
Hi there!
Let me introduce myself: My name is Angel, although everyone knows me as Saqman, a nickname I started to use when I began in the illustration and design world. I've been using the nick for long time, so my friends are used to call me Angel or Saqman interchangeably.
Looking back over the years, I must admit that there is no image of myself as a boy without a pencil and a paper. I used to invest all my spare time drawing on my desk... Actually, I spent more time drawing than playing with toys. And, when sketching became boring, it was usual to find me reading comic books or graphic novels.
I grew up loving (and trying to learn from) the great American comic-book artists, such as Harold Foster, Alex Raymond, Steve Ditko, John Buscema, John Byrne, Neal Adams, John Romita... My universe was plenty of superheroes fighting to save the planet or crossing the galaxy and traveling among parallel universes.
However, the main artistic references I got from my environment were the European comics, such as Tintin, Asterix, Lucky Luke, Spirou or the Smurfs. And, especially, Spanish comics (known here as “tebeos”), which taught me the basis of scriptting, sketching or inking. That's why I have special fondness for Francisco Ibáñez, who created the most beloved characters of my early childhood: Mortadelo y Filemón.
Additionally, I'm a huge moviegoer. My first memories are about my father taking me to the cinema to see Star Wars on big screen. Probably I was two or three. Somehow, that movie made a deep impression on me. That film marked my life in many ways, and since then I've been a huge fan of the saga, as well as other 70-80's movies such as Alien, Back to the Future, Superman, The Goonies, Indiana Jones, etc. That is why most of my artwork is closely related to that era, which represents absolute happiness to me.
At present there are many topics I love and from which I get ideas. And, off the top of my head, I can enumerate Studio Ghibli movies, Doctor Who, Evil Dead, The Name of the Wind, Game of Thrones, LOTR, Stranger Things, etc.
Last, but not least, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad to belong to this artist community. Enjoy my work here and do not hesitate to send me proposals or ideas for a design.